Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kombucha Tea & Mercury Detoxing, just FYI

Another article which I received thru my Google Alert. Please feel free to check out yourself because i think its interesting as well as beneficial. Just make sure when you're done, you come back up and check out this link.

I just saw on the net yesterday, namely that one should go easy on Kombucha in mercury detox.

I had heard it detoxed mercury but never dreamed it was so powerful at that as to cause detox symptoms. I had been going by the "more is better" theory with Kombucha. Now I know, a little is better.

Below is a post from the Tea Forum by Recovering, which I found today giving confirmation.... I make and use kombucha. I'm not able to take it in a normal sized dose. Its a powerful detoxifier and I still have lots of mercury in my body. Kombucha moves mercury faster than my body can handle.

The amount of alcohol in kombucha is pretty small. You should have from .5% to 1.5% alcohol depending on how you brew it. I don't know how this would affect cirrhosis. You may want to ask on the CureZone Experts forum.

I don't believe that kombucha will inflame candida. Kombucha has healthy bacteria and it will make your body more alkaline, so it should have a positive affect on candida.

Username: LoricaLady contact LoricaLady
Date: 10/7/2009 11:24:58 AM ( 57 min ago )


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your information.
Just for cross-refference about kombucha, you might be interested to check this link:


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