Monday, March 4, 2013

Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea

With its roots known to be from Asia, particularly China, the benefits of Kombucha tea as a magical drink have recently gained widespread attention in Western culture. Kombucha tea is believed to prevent various diseases due to its ability to boost the immune system. Over the decades, Kombucha tea has gained recognition world over as a longevity health drink. With a little bit of effort, Kombucha can be made from ones’ kitchen, giving anyone access to the life enhancing effects that Kombucha is touted to provide.
To make a finely brewed Kombucha tea, one needs to ferment a mixture of sugar and a Kombucha culture (bacteria and yeast). The resulting fluid contains the B vitamins, folic acid, glucoronic acid, glucosamine and other health promoting enzymes.
Some of the claimed benefits of Kombucha tea include:
  • Body Detoxification- the bacteria and enzymes contained in this drink promotes overall body detoxification. Kombucha tea reduces the pancreatic and liver load due to the high levels of glucoronic acid, thus reducing overall toxic stress.
  • Losing weight is a battle for most people in the twenty first century. The desire to keep fit is what has pushed many people to look for a means to cut down excess weight. Kombucha tea is a perfect catalyst for weight loss as it boosts overall metabolism.
  • Healthy joints are increasingly important as we age. Kombucha tea can reduce diseases like arthritis because it is touted to be highly concentrated in glucosamine. Glucosamine is a substance that is vital in maintaining healthy joints. It works by promoting the production of hyaluronic acid, a substance known for relieving pain due to the moisturizing effect it has on the joints. This lubrication offers cushion and flexibility to the joint, thus reducing or eliminating pain.
  • Cancer is the number one killer today. One of the main chemical components contained in Kombucha tea is glucoronic acid, a highly recommended compound when it comes to the prevention and treatment of cancer. Most nutritionists and health practitioners believe that the best way to beat cancer is by maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. For starters, maintaining an organic diet can go along way in pursuit of this goal. Natural and chemical free foods and drinks like Kombucha tea can boost the bodies’ defences against cancer. Based on the testimonies of the late President Ronald Regan who claimed to prevent cancer by regular consumption of Kombucha Tea, it can be incurred that using Kombucha tea as a preventive technique against cancer, has validity.
  • The consumption of Kombucha tea has been reported to have a relaxing and calming effect on the body. Being a regular consumer of this tea has helped many overcome depression, sleep disorders and stress by calming the nerves due to the relaxing chemicals that this tea is believed to contain.
The numerous benefits associated with this health drink cannot be ignored. Kombucha tea has been gaining a great deal of respect throughout the community due to its wide variety of health benefits. Kombucha tea is not classified under any class of additives or stimulating herbs, but it is
advisable to check with your doctor before considering regular consumption.
Join the others who have been using Kombucha tea to relax, prevent cancer, prevent arthritis and energize their immune system. Cheers to
your health!


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