Sunday, October 13, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
My Kombucha Is Done, Now What?…And How To Bottle Kombucha Tea ~ {Part 3}
by Halle Cottison Mar 27, 2013 - 13 CommentsOur Kombucha Series
We are half way through our kombucha series! In a few days you will be enjoying some delicious and healthy kombucha.
Here is a list of our full kombucha series:
- What is kombucha and why is it so healthy for you? {Part 1}
- Learn how to brew kombucha with this easy step by step tutorial. {Part 2}
- My kombucha is done, now what?…And how to bottle kombucha tea {Part 3}
- A collection of kombucha recipes {Part 4} Coming soon…
Where To Purchase A Kombucha Starter Kit
If you are just getting started, make sure that you buy your kombucha starter kit from a reliable source.
- I got my starter kit from Sara at Healthy Families For God and I have to tell you, it is by far the BEST price out there! I ordered it and in just a few short days it was on my doorstep!
Your Brew Is Finally Done Fermenting, Now What?
Yes, your brew has FINALLY finished fermenting and you have the desired taste that you are looking for…now what? There are several simple steps to follow and in a few short days you will be enjoying your first homemade kombucha!
There are several thing to note:
- Do not use anything metal from this point on. Use plastic utensils and a plastic funnel. Metal will react with the kombucha.
- Before you remove your SCOBY, sanitize your hands with white vinegar. Do NOT use soap, you could kill your SCOBY.
- Sanitize you botttle with hot water or white vinegar. I ran mine through the dishwasher with no soap, just hot water.
- Clear glass ONLY! You can buy clear bottles here. These bottles are the exact bottles that I use, and I love them!
Removing the SCOBY
The first thing you want to do is remove the SCOBY from your kombucha. Note that I have the “mother” SCOBY and a “baby” SCOBY. The original SCOBY that you used has created a baby. You need to remove both of these. Simple reach in with your clean hands and remove the two SCOBY cultures.
Your mother and baby might still be attached like this one. You can either leave them attached or pull them apart.
Here is what your SCOBY will look like after you have removed it from the kombucha tea. Simple put it in a clean jar with 1/2-2/3 cups of tea from this batch cover with a lid and store in your pantry until you are ready to brew your next batch of tea. This is called a SCOBY hotel.
I just take my SCOBY and 2/3 cups starter (tea from this batch) and place it into a clean jar and start the process all over again and start brewing a new batch. The baby SCOBY I passed on to my neighbor so she can start her first brew.
What’s That Stuff Floating In My Kombucha?
When you are adding starter tea to your SCOBIES, you might notice some sediment in your jar of tea or some stingy like substances hanging off your ladle…This is NORMAL and is harmless!
If this bothers you, simply run your kombucha through a sieve or sifter and this will remove all of your floating objects from you kombucha. I leave mine in the tea. You get use to it the more you drink the kombucha!
Bottling Your Kombucha
Now place a funnel into your clean bottle and pour your kombucha right into the bottle. Fill the bottle almost to the top, leaving a maximum headspace of 1″ or less. The less you have the more carbonation that you will have.
Please note, NEVER shake kombucha it can explode. The higher you fill the bottle, the more likely you are going to need to burp your kombucha to relieve the gas bubbles a bit.
Once you have filled your kombucha bottles, place the lid on your kombucha. You have three options from this point.
- You can drink the kombucha as is and put in the refrigerator. It will have less fizz with this method but still taste amazing.
- You can cap the kombucha and store in a warm, dark place and allow it to sit for 2-3 days. This will create a really fizzy kombucha.
- You can make kombucha soda (recipe coming in final post in this series).
Where Do I Store My Kombucha?
After 2-3 days remove your kombucha from the pantry (or your dark warm place) and place in the refrigerator. If your kombucha developed a baby SCOBY in the bottle, remove and toss and then drink.
Do not leave your kombucha in the pantry past the 2-3 day period. It is very important to move it to the refrigerator. This will stop the fermentation process completely.
That is it! You now know how to make your own kombucha! Not hard at all, was it?!!
Later this week we will dive into making kombucha “soda” (so easy to make) and I will also have a great list of amazing kombucha recipes for you all to try.
Posted on 31 March 2013. Tags: What is Kombucha Tea
What is Kombucha Tea ?
What is Kombucha Tea? The fermented beverage called Kombucha Tea is comprised of four simple ingredients. It is mad from tea and sugar, with the addition of a symbiotic culture made from bacteria and yeast called SCOBY. A Scoby is comparable to the mother that is used to create vinegar. The end product of the fermentation process that this mixture goes through is a fizzy beverage that supposedly offers a number of health benefits. It is easy to make your own batch of this tea right in your own kitchen.Process for Making Your Own Kombucha Tea
Check out the information below on how to make kombucha tea at home.
1 cup of granulate sugar
3 1/2 quarts of filtered water
2 cups of kombucha starter tea (either bought in a neutral flavor and unpasteurized or from your last batch)
2 Tablespoons of black loose tea or 8 tea bags
1 SCOBY (it can be made (recipe is online) or bought in the store) for each jar of tea
You will also need a stockpot large enough to hold the ingredients, 1 one-gallon glass jar for mixing and fermentation. Then for storing, 6 sixteen-ounce glass bottles with lids that fit securely.
Make the tea by boiling the water and taking it off the heat to add the sugar. Once the sugar is thoroughly dissolved, add the tea and let it steep until the water is cool. This could take awhile, if you let it happen just at room temperature. You could use an ice bath if necessary to cool it faster.
After the tea is cool enough, strain the mixture or remove the bags of tea. Pour in the starter tea at this point. This will turn the mixture acidic and will keep harmful bacteria for growing during the fermentation process.
Pour mixture into jar so that the SCOBY can be added. Gently place the SCOBY into the jar and cover with layers cheesecloth securing them in place with string or a large rubber band. Let it sit at room temperature in a place where it will not be bothered or be in direct sunlight for about 7 to 10 days so it can ferment properly.
Before removing the SCOBY, mix another batch up, that you can transfer the SCOBY to it directly from your fermented batch. You may have to trim part of the under layer of it off though, as it may have become quite thick. Make sure your hands are clean before touching the SCOBY and have a clean tray or plate handy to hold it in between transferring it to new batch.
When the kombucha tea is finished fermenting, then it is time to transfer it to smaller bottles and cap. Before you do this though, take out some starter for your next batch of this tea. At this point, you could choose to add flavorings such as fruit, herbs or juice, but this is optional.
Possible Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea
This tea provides helpful probiotics to your body as part of the possible health benefits for the body. Other benefits are said to be improving your immune system, liver function, and digestive system.
Possible Unpleasant Side Effects
Even though, there are some benefits touted about this tea there are also, some unpleasant side effects reported from time to time and these include:
Allergic reactions
Stomach upset
Now, that you know the answer to “What is Kombucha Tea”, go slow with this tea until you see how your body reacts to it. If you have no adverse reactions, then drink a moderate amount each day. Remember that it does contain caffeine, so you can overdo it in that area, if you drink too high a quantity in one day.
Local company hopes to capitalize on Kombucha craze
Published on
April 5, 2013
Westmounter Julian Giacomelli joined RISE Kombucha four years ago, few
people outside of a very small group of health-conscious specialty-store
shoppers had heard of Kombucha, a fermented carbonated tea beverage
that purports to energize and aid digestion.
- Topics :
- Abbatis , Quebec , British Columbia , Ontario
Nevertheless, Giacomelli insists that Kombucha is no fad, and that it's like nothing else available on the shelves.
"It's raw, it's organic, and it's actually alive," he said. "It's not pasteurized or processed in any way. There is nothing else like it that you can buy, and people really love the way it makes them feel."
He explains the product's health claims: that the yeast and bacteria in the tea are a probiotic, which, like yogurts and other fermented products, can help aid digestion, detoxify, and return the body to its natural PH balance.
Judging by sales, many members of the public agree, and their support has helped propel RISE to new heights. In recent years, they have expanded outside of Quebec, making footholds in British Columbia and Ontario, and Crudessence Kombucha inc, the makers of the product, have recently signed a deal with Abbatis Corp to begin distributing the product in the United States.
Giacomelli says that sales – now up to 500,000 bottles a year – have doubled every year since the company began five years ago.
A recent launch event for the brand's two new flavours – Mint Chlorophyll and Rose Schizandra, featured celebrity 'mixologists' competing to see who could create the most appealing cocktails, both alcoholic and virgin, using the products.
The event's title – "Why I Rise" -- is a feel-good message designed to highlight what Giacomelli says are the company's 'post-2012' values of corporate responsibility and social engagement.
"We are a brand that tries to give more than it takes," he said. "We are an organic, fair trade, conscious commerce. We try to be good neighbours. We use local suppliers, support community ventures, and provide good jobs."
"It's raw, it's organic, and it's actually alive," he said. "It's not pasteurized or processed in any way." -He said that the company, which employs about 60 people, is a good example of the type of business thriving in the current market: "Sustainable, but ambitious."
And he believes that Montreal, a city not exactly known for its flourishing business climate in recent years, may be on the head of a new wave.
"I am hugely proud that this is a Montreal-based company," said the Westmounter, who had to leave Canada for years to find good business opportunities.
"I think that a lot of socially, environmental business stuff will be coming out of Quebec in the next few years," he said. "There's been an awakening here, and a ripeness for new things."
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
How to Make Flavored Kombucha Tea
Start with Some Finished Kombucha
To make flavored kombucha, you need to start with some plain kombucha. You can see my recipe for making kombucha tea here. We pour the finished kombucha into 2-cup jars and flavor each jar individually. We like to save bottles from the GT's kombucha sold in stores for this purpose, and we also use mason jars. If you want your kombucha to be extra fizzy, Fido jars work well. I wouldn't recommend using bottles with very small openings with this method, as it will be particularly difficult to clean them out and make sure that all the flavoring bits are removed.Our Favorite Flavors
- Raspberry - Raspberry kombucha is slightly sweet and delicious. This is a great flavor to use for people who haven't learned to love the tanginess of kombucha quite yet.
- I find that frozen raspberries have the best flavor and the least chance of any mold contamination. The berries you use must be absolutely mold-free, else the kombucha will be nasty.
- Add ~6 raspberries to each jar.
- Leave the jar to ferment on the counter for 2 days and then transfer to the refrigerator.
- When pouring the raspberry kombucha from each jar, a fork can be used to keep the berries from falling into each drink. Our backyard chickens absolutely love to eat these kombucha-flavored berries, but they would also be a great addition to the compost heap.
- Fresh Ginger - Fresh ginger added to kombucha makes an amazingly refreshing drink.
- Use either a garlic press or a juicer to prepare the ginger. I do not recommend chopping/mincing the ginger for use in kombucha because it is rather fibrous. Using a garlic press or juicer will remove most of the fibrous material, and the kombucha is much better without it. I slice the ginger into roughly 1/4-inch pieces before pressing it in my garlic press.
- Add the pressed/juiced ginger to each jar of kombucha. Even a small amount (< 1/8 tsp) of ginger per jar is delicious, but for the best flavor I like to use a larger amount (~1/4 tsp).
- Leave the jar to ferment on the counter for 1-2 days and then transfer to the refrigerator.
- We drink this kombucha and the ginger bits without straining it.
- Lemon - Lemon kombucha is superb! Such a simple, fresh flavor.
- Use a reamer to juice some lemons. Don't be tempted to just squeeze the lemons, as you will get MUCH more juice using a reamer. It is fine if there is pulp along with the juice, but be sure to remove any lemon seeds.
- Add 1-3 tsp lemon juice per jar. Using 3 tsp will give you a nicely tart drink, whereas 1 tsp of lemon juice adds a more mild flavor.
- Only allow lemon kombucha to sit on the counter for 12-15 hours. If it sits out longer, it will grow lots of little SCOBY bits that aren't desirable for drinking.
- We drink lemon kombucha without straining out the pulp.
- Lemon Ginger - Lemon and ginger combine to make a very tasty drink.
- Prepare the ginger and lemon juice using the same methods described for the lemon and ginger kombuchas.
- Add 1/4 tsp ginger and 2 tsp lemon juice to each jar.
- Only allow ginger lemon kombucha to sit on the counter for 12-15 hours. If it sits out longer, it will grow lots of little SCOBY bits that aren't desirable for drinking.
- Lemon Raspberry - Lemon raspberry kombucha is reminiscent of raspberry lemonade, but with a delicious tanginess.
- Prepare the lemon juice using the same method described for the lemon kombucha.
- Add 6 raspberries and 2 tsp lemon juice to each jar.
- Only allow lemon raspberry kombucha to sit on the counter for 12-15 hours. If it sits out longer, it will grow lots of little SCOBY bits that aren't desirable for drinking.
- Triple Tasty! Ginger, Lemon, and Raspberry - For an extra flavor punch, try combining all three flavorings.
- Prepare the ginger and lemon juice using the same methods described for the lemon and ginger kombuchas.
- Add 4 raspberries, 1/4 tsp ginger, and 2 tsp lemon juice to each jar.
- Only allow triple kombucha to sit on the counter for 12-15 hours. If it sits out longer, it will grow lots of little SCOBY bits that aren't desirable for drinking.
Some Flavors We Haven't Enjoyed
There are a few flavors of kombucha we have tried that did not turn out so well: strawberry, orange, blueberry, and blackberry. They are still drinkable, but nearly as tasty as our favorite flavors.Do you brew your own kombucha? Do you enjoy it plain, or flavored? What is your favorite flavor?
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Categorized | Features
SDSU students swept up by Kombucha health craze
By Brittany Turner,
Posted on 24 March 2013.
Bloated? Stomachache from excessive eating? No energy before class?
If any of these symptoms sound like something you’ve struggled with,
you’re not alone. San Diego State students are rapidly recognizing the
powerful effects kombucha has on their bodies. Consumers visit Olive Oil
Organic Cafe in West Commons to get a taste of the new detoxifying
drink.Posted on 24 March 2013.
“I drink kombucha when I have eaten too much food, which causes my stomach to feel bloated,” pre-nursing freshman Frank Giles said. “It works very fast. Immediately after drinking just one bottle of kombucha, I no longer feel bloated or have any kind of stomachache.”
What is kombucha tea?
This “ancient elixir” is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. One popular brand of GT’s Synergy Kombucha has seven main ingredients work to detoxify the body: omega-3, antioxidants, fiber, detoxifiers, electrolytes, organic acids and probiotics. Synergy is 100-percent organic, vegan, gluten-free and raw.
How does it work?
Kombucha gives the body what it needs to heal itself. It aids the liver by removing harmful substances and promotes balance in the digestive system because of its rich, health-promoting vitamins, enzymes and acids.
Each bottle of GT’s Synergy Kombucha states each bottle is “designed to nourish your body from the inside out.
Olive Oil Organic Cafe staff member Gladys Karmo said customers often tell her they feel addicted to the drink.
“I tell them that they are not addicted to the drink, they are addicted to the healthy and clean feeling that kombucha provides,” Karmo said.
Where does kombucha come from?
Author of “Kombucha: The Miracle Fungus” Harald W. Tietze says kombucha originated in Northeast China during the Qin Dynasty and in the early 1900s, kombucha was known as the “tea of immortality” because it was “a beverage with magical powers enabling people to live forever.”
What are the effects of kombucha?
Although no scientific evidence supported Tietze’s claim, Olive Oil Organic Cafe’s consumers agree with him, and describe the after-effects of kombucha as energizing, cleansing and quenching.
Freshman Giles recognizes kombucha’s “magical powers” and said the drink’s “detoxifying abilities” make a significant difference in his daily life. Giles waits in line at Olive Oil Organic Cafe at least twice a week to get a bottle of what he called “addicting kombucha.”
“I’ve only been drinking kombucha for three weeks,” Giles said. “After I drink one bottle, it settles my stomach and I’m left feeling enthusiastic, energized and vivacious.”
Giles, who works out at the SDSU Aztec Recreation Center, said kombucha is “better than water because it quenches my thirst and replenishes my energy after a long workout.”
After trying out kombucha for herself after a workout, Olive Oil Organic Cafe staff member Brandy Ibarra agrees with Giles and said, “I think after working out, kombucha is much better for my body than a protein shake. Not only do I lose water from sweating, I also lose electrolytes. Kombucha is packed with electrolytes, along with other important ingredients that your body needs after any high energy activity.”
What are the flavors of kombucha?
“The current most popular flavor being sold at the Olive Oil Organic Cafe is grape with Chia seeds,” Karmo said. “We sell out of this flavor first before all of the others. I think this is because of the many health benefits chia seeds provide for our bodies.”
The Synergy brand of Kombucha states the health benefits of chia seeds on the front of every.
“Raw Chia = Raw Energy: Often called runner’s food, Chia is a nutrient-rich superfood that provides sustained energy for your body.” According to the label, Synergy contains more omega-3s than salmon, more antioxidants than blueberries and more fiber than oatmeal.
Other Synergy flavors include gingerberry and cherry chia.
Where can I try kombucha?
Currently, Olive Oil Organic Cafe is the only place on campus selling Synergy. At $4.50 per bottle, Karmo said the price doesn’t keep students from flocking to the restaurant for their weekly detox drinks.
“They are flying off the shelves so quickly that by Wednesday or Thursday, we sell out of all 84 bottles and have to order more,” Karmo said. “Students even research kombucha themselves and request new flavors. We didn’t used to carry gingerberry until SDSU students started special requesting us to order it.”
Try a bottle of kombucha. Grab a delicious flavor on the way to class and see for yourself if kombucha makes you feel “enthusiastic, energized and vivacious.”
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Why drink Kombucha Tea? The many benefits
Drinking Kombucha promotes good health and helps millions of people with its excellent detoxifying and immune-enhancing
qualities. There are no known negative reactions from drinking kombu tea, except for improper brewing methods.
Its origins are lost in history, but in the earliest records two thousand years ago it was known as ‘the elixir of long life’.
Kombucha is not just a health tonic; it is a complete therapy.
Kombucha has proved itself to be a quite remarkable therapeutic drink, made from sweetened tea into which a Kombucha
culture (a symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts) is placed. It can
taste similar to apple cider or a refreshing light wine, depending
on the fermentation time and type of tea used.
There are at least six million Kombucha brewers world-wide.
Doctors, consultants, and practitioners are now recommending Kombucha to their patients.
The Western World is becoming Malnourished!
It is well recognized that a high percentage of the Western population is getting insufficient nourishment from
modern diets and, as a consequence, our health, and that of society as a whole, is suffering. Kombucha is a
food rich in vitamins and minerals which are essential to good health. Many doctors believe that supplementary
vitamins and minerals are unnecessary, saying that we get sufficient of these in a balanced diet. While that may
be true in theory, who gets a really balanced diet now? Much of the food that we purchase, even so-called fresh
food, has been grown with chemicals - herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. After this, they are sprayed with
even more chemicals to preserve their colour and shelf life.
Many of the fast foods that we eat are processed to the point where most of the beneficial nutrients have
disappeared altogether, leaving the meal virtually barren. The nitrogen fertilizers used in commercial
agriculture stimulate plant growth too rapidly for the uptake of the trace elements and minerals essential
for our bodies, resulting in the food lacking nutritional value. British government studies show that our
intake of essential minerals and vitamins has fallen greatly since 1936, before the chemical revolution.
The truth is that in the Western world we are malnourished!
As Hazel Courteney tells: "Over 50,000 chemicals are either being sprayed on fruits, vegetables and
grains, or added to our food. Many of these chemicals have now entered the food chain and we are
reaping a bitter harvest. Our fruits and vegetables contain substantially less vitamins and minerals than
they did 50 years ago, sperm counts are dropping, overuse of antibiotics is causing new resistant strains
of bacteria which trigger food poisoning. What is happening today, with the tidal wave of illnesses from
heart disease, diabetes, Candida and high blood pressure to asthma and arthritis, is that our bodies are
telling us they have had enough. It is imperative that we wake up and educate ourselves and others in
ways of protecting ourselves and our planet."
Many people, including doctors and scientists, don't realize how much our immune systems are
vulnerable to the effects of sophisticated forms of pollution. There are also the chemicals added to our
food (both in farming and in food processing) that are supposed to make us enjoy them more. These are
not friendly chemicals; they destroy the body's functioning, cause allergic reactions, digestive disorders
and pollute our blood - they are poisoning us! In the worst cases, of the common prescribing of
powerful drugs like antibiotics, cortisone and steroids, the homeostatic balance of the body is disrupted.
Some people who were suffering from the side effects of these drugs believe that Kombucha therapy
was in great measure responsible for restoring their metabolic balance and health.
* See important warning and
liability statement
~ Back to Top ~
Encouraging Self-Empowerment
Kombucha has helped with a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions. Some of the most enthusiastic
responses we have had to Kombucha have come from those people with difficult long-term illnesses such
as arthritis, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, poor circulation, high cholesterol and cancer, and
from older people, many of whom doctors have been unable to help. In addition, alarming numbers of
young people are developing illnesses resulting from poorly functioning immune systems, such as eczema,
acne, allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME), etc.
When Kombucha was widely publicized by the media a few years ago as a
trendy new health craze, of the thousands who started to brew many gave
because they were not getting their ‘quick fix’, were not able to
make a pleasant tasting drink, or because their culture failed. It is
also very helpful to
know of the dozens of other applications of
Kombucha. For example, Kombucha tea is excellent applied topically, as a
compress, or added to the bath,
and made into an effective cream
that can help to heal leg ulcers and fungal nail infections. Kombucha
can also be used in food recipes, with animals, in
gardens & around the home.
Kombucha tea was known in the East, and found its way across Russia in
the 1800s, becoming widely established as an effective folk medicine in
rural communities. In the 1950s, it surfaced dramatically when
Soviet doctors discovered whole communities which had apparently been
protected from
dangerous environmental pollution by a nutritious drink called ‘tea-kwass’ or Kombucha tea.
There are some over-sensational claims for Kombucha’s benefits as a
panacea for all ills, to is not. It is difficult, in a symptom-based
medical system, for
people not to expect a cure for their specific
illness, rather than seek an understanding of the underlying causes of
that illness or imbalance. The human
body constantly seeks health
and balance, but when it has been abused for many years, this balance is
compromised. Once brought back to strength
through detoxification,
improved functioning and an enhanced immune system, the body can
initiate its own natural mechanisms for healing.
Kombucha - a Nutritious Food
The Kombucha beverage should be regarded principally as a food
unusually rich in nutritive properties, rather than just a health drink.
As in
yogurt, the bacteria are a great source of nutrition, but in
addition Kombucha has a wide range of organic acids, vitamins and
enzymes that give
it its extraordinary value. It contains the range
of B vitamins, particularly B1, B2, B6 and B12, that provide the body
with energy, help to
process fats and proteins, and which are vital
for the normal functioning of the nervous system. There is also vitamin C
which is a potent
detoxifier, immune booster and enhancer of vitality.
Tea and Sugar's Role in Kombucha
Tea (Camilla sinesis) is very nutritious, especially in its unfermented
green form. It is high in fluorides and has anti-carcinogenic
properties; it
provides nitrogen, minerals, vitamins, and other
substances essential for nutrition, and promotes the growth of the
micro-organisms and the
cellular construction of the Kombucha culture. Green tea is also high in vitamin C.
Sugar plays an essential part in Kombucha's brewing process, providing a
nutrient solution for the culture, assisting in the feeding and
respiration of the micro-organisms, and activating the yeasts. It also
gets the fermentation process going. The yeast cells make certain
acids, vitamins and supplementary yeasts, while the bacteria
produce carbonation, ethanol and other organic acids. The bacteria
break down the
sugars into acetic acid and carbon dioxide.
~ Back to Top ~
How Does Kombucha Work?
Kombucha is an effective metabolic balancer (helping the various organs
work together), probiotic (supporting the beneficial bacteria),
adaptogen (balancing processes that get out of kilter) and detoxifier.
The probiotic case for Kombucha is that it encourages healthier
flora by introducing lactic acid-producing bacteria.
These work in a similar way to acidophilus bacteria, the active
ingredient in live yogurt. An
old saying, ‘healthy gut, healthy
body,’ puts it simply. The acidity level of the gut is all-important, as
is the health of its microbial flora which
play a crucial role in the functioning of the whole body.
Bacteroides and Bifidobacteria
The bacteria in the intestines can be divided into two main types;1 the
less acid-forming bacteroides are responsible for the decaying matter
the colon; elderly people tend to have more gastric disorders;
these stem from a low hydrochloric acid production in the stomach,
more room for fungi and parasites to take hold; bacteroides are encouraged by a diet high in fats and proteins.
The more acidic ones, called bifidobacteria, are more beneficial
because they produce essential organic acids, such as acetic, lactic and
acids, which raise the acidity of the intestines, preventing
invading pathogens from taking hold. In addition, by keeping down the
population, they discourage the putrefaction from
becoming toxic. The bifidobacteria are favoured by a diet high in
carbohydrate, fiber and
lactose-vegetarian food and are more common
in individuals who were breast-fed as babies. They are also assisted by
drinking Kombucha tea.
Kombucha – a Nutritious Food
Kombucha culture has a wide range of organic acids, vitamins and enzymes
that give it its extraordinary value. It contains the range of B
vitamins, particularly B1, B2, B6 and B12, that provide the body with
energy, help to process fats and proteins, and which are vital for the
normal functioning of the nervous system. There is also vitamin C which
is a potent detoxifier, immune booster and enhancer of vitality.
Probiotic Organic Acids
There are two organic acids produced by Kombucha culture which
encourage the activity of the resident bifidobacteria, thus restoring a
balance with the bacteroides:
Lactic acid which is
essential for healthy digestive action (through its derivative
lactobacilli) and for energy production by the liver, and is not
found in the tissues of people with cancer.
Acetic acid which is an antiseptic and inhibitor of pathogenic bacteria.
Kombucha’s Vital Organic Acids
Other valuable organic acids produced by the Kombucha culture, some of which have a more direct effect on other organs include:
Glucuronic acid, normally produced by a healthy liver, is a powerful detoxifier and can readily be converted into glucosamines,
the foundations of our skeletal system.
Usnic acid has selective antibiotic qualities which can partly deactivate viruses.
Citric acid is an antiascorbic.
Oxalic acid encourages the intercellular production of energy, and is a preservative.
Malic acid also helps the liver to detoxify.
Gluconic acid is a sugar product which can break down to caprylic acid to work symbiotically with —
Butyric acid (produced by the yeast) protects human cellular membranes, and combined with Gluconic acid which is produced by
the bacteria,strengthens the walls of the gut in order to combat yeast infections such as Candida.
Nucleic acids, like RNA and DNA, transmit information to the cells on how to perform correctly and regenerate.
A product of the oxidation process of glucose – glucuronic acid – is
one of the more significant constituents of Kombucha culture. As a
detoxifying agent, it has come into its own today in our highly polluted
world. It is one of the few agents that can cope with the pollutive
products of the petroleum industry, including all the plastics,
herbicides, pesticides and resins. It ‘kidnaps’ the phenols in the liver
which are
then eliminated easily by the kidneys. Another byproduct
of glucuronic acid are the glucosamines, the structures associated with
collagen and the fluids which lubricate the joints.
Collagen reduces wrinkles, while arthritis sufferers have their
deficient cartilage and joint
fluids replenished.
Amino acids,
which are constituents of proteins, produce important enzymes, such as
glutathione a powerful antioxidant which provides
protection from alcohol and pollution, and which is depleted by drug regimes.
Sugar, Yeast and Tea
When Kombucha tea is made correctly, all the sugars are fully converted
into organic acids during fermentation, enabling Kombucha tea culture
to be is safely drunk by diabetics and Candida sufferers. Also the
yeasts found in the Kombucha culture do not stimulate the Candida yeasts
they are of a different type; Candida sufferers have therefore
often found considerable relief in taking Kombucha. Black or green tea
may be
used as a nutrient for the culture, but as green tea has
anti-carcinogenic properties, is beneficial to the heart and blood
circulation and is
particularly nutritious, it is preferable to use.
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Balancing the Body
Metabolic balancing is perhaps the most important function of Kombucha.
This is one reason why it is not symptom specific – why it does not
always help a specific immune-related illness, but rather seems to go
to a person’s own weakness or personal imbalance. Such a substance
which has no specific harmful effect is called an adaptogen. Kombucha’s
adaptogen effect is seen mostly through its influence on the liver, the
blood and the digestive system, where it normalizes the acidity or pH.
The Acidity Factor
Human metabolism depends on the acid-alkaline balance which is
constantly responding to the food that we eat, the air that we breathe,
and to
our emotional state. The body has a remarkable balancing
system that maintains the different organs at the pH level each requires
for health. A
cell’s pH balance is disturbed by toxins, which
create more acidity. The body gets rid of toxic acids by various means.
One is through breathing
– that is why deep breathing is so
therapeutic – it makes the blood more alkaline. Another is by flushing
out – one of Kombucha’s roles is to
flush out the toxins through the kidneys.
The Liver Filters Toxins
The liver is vital to life; it has the ability to restore itself and
has many functions – to assist digestion, to store important vitamins
and minerals,
to metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates to
provide energy for the body, to recycle red blood cells, and remove
toxins from the body.
Because of its role in pH regulation and of its detoxifying acids, Kombucha is a valuable restorative of liver function.
Blood – Brings Life to the whole Body
When blood gets too alkaline calcium tends to crystallize out of the
blood solution. These crystals are deposited near the joints, causing
tenderness, arthritis, rheumatism and allergies. Older
people’s blood becomes more alkaline, which can affect their
circulation, oxygenation and
energy. An acidic blood condition can
lead to diabetes where fat and protein wastes are not being discharged.
Another acidic condition results in
adrenal depletion and general exhaustion.
Conventionally, blood is thought to be sterile. But through his
dark-field microscope research, Professor Gunther Enderlein has shown
that it is
teeming with microbiological life. Normally these
micro-organisms are in a mutually beneficial symbiotic state of balance
but, for example, the
lowering of the oxygen content of the blood,
nutritional deficiency and toxicity may lead to the development of
pathogenic microbial flora which
can result in disease in other
organs of the body. These micro-organisms can travel freely between the
blood plasma which surrounds the blood
cells, and the interstitial
fluid which surrounds the fixed tissue cells of the body.6 Kombucha is
known to have a balancing effect of the pH of
the blood which is likely to make it less hospitable to pathogenic bacteria.
Contamination and Toxicity
It is important to remember that Kombucha has a home-brewing safety
track record of two millennia. Contamination of the culture by moulds
is not a problem if normal standards of kitchen hygiene are observed
and if the ambient temperature of the fermentation is adequate. If it
occurs, the culture and brew are disposed of, just as one would a moldy
tomato paste. Kombucha tea has its own protection against pathogens,
as it contains an antibiotic and, containing acetic acid (vinegar) it
is self-protecting. Those who mention toxicity in connection with
misunderstand the nature of what is called a ‘healing
crisis’ – the discomfort experienced with rapid detoxification of the
liver. Kombucha is a
powerful detoxifier and we always recommend
anyone who begins taking Kombucha starts with a small amount to avoid
any discomfort,
gradually building up to the normal dose of 150 mls (one wineglass) three times a day.
Research on Kombucha’s Benefits
There is an extensive literature (some 300 books and research papers)
dealing with the analysis of Kombucha Tea and its therapeutic effects.
The independent medical research has been conducted principally in
Russia and in Germany over the whole of the present century. Among early
reports were those listing the benefits of Kombucha for stomach,
digestive and intestinal disorders. One of the most famous of the later
researchers was Dr. Rudolf Sklenar of Oberhessen who recognized the
detoxifying properties of glucuronic acid in Kombucha for removing
waste matter such as cholesterol and toxic deposits. He developed a
biological cancer therapy based on Kombucha, and it is his recipe which
still generally used today and for the production of the
commercially bottled brew. He became a champion for the remedy, which he
helped invigorate the entire glandular system and the
metabolism. He successfully treated arthritis, constipation, obesity,
impotence, kidney stones, rheumatism, gout and significantly, cancer, especially in its early stages.
The Importance of Polysaccharides in Cancer and Digestive Disorders
Sugars also play a part as polysaccharides, which form the fundamental
connective tissue of all human organs. Their ability to cope with
metabolic waste products is a crucial part of a healthy body. The
Japanese have conducted interesting research with these substances
the area of immune-therapeutics, very much the domain of
Kombucha therapy. These tests focus on the role of polysaccharides which
found in Kombucha and their positive effect on macrophages and
T-cells. One trial showed that the survival rate in cancer sufferers
polysaccharides was twice that of patients undergoing
conventional treatment. A German naturopathic clinic in Gaggenau,
Germany, did trials
which showed the curative effects of polysaccharides on gastro-intestinal ailments as well as cancers.
By obtaining your own kombucha culture or kombucha tea you can start
your own detoxifying program or simply use it as a daily health tonic.
Traditional, Kombucha is used for aiding the body in detoxifying the
body, maintaining metabolic balance, but it is said to also promote
wellbeing throughout the body. People from all parts of the world use it as a general daily health tonic.
Use before meals to lose weight, after meals to gain weight.
Anahata Balance has freshly brewed and bottled organic Kombucha tea,
organic basic and deluxe starter kits, mushroom extract available. We
brew this tea ourselves, guarantying fresh and strong brew each batch.
Start brewing your own daily tonic at home with one of our starter
kits. Cost less than $1 per gallon batch, a bit more for organic
to keep a continual batch of tea brewing!
Kombucha tea and cultures bought through Anahata Balance website is
guarantied to be from organic sources, free from harmful pathogens,
and is bottled fresh, after you place your order, for purity and quality
control. Our tea is brewed and processed at a state licensed facility
through the Michigan State Agriculture and Food department to insure
that the kombucha tea or kombucha culture starter kit you receive is in
compliance with health regulations and made under sanitary conditions.
Because of this freshness guaranty our tea may take up to 2 to 7 days before shipment is made.
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